Saturday, December 4, 2010

just checking on you kids

just checking
as always, no one has posted and i'm starting to feel lonely :(

i really like salmon :D preferably raw like sashimi :D been eating raw for ages and i haven't gotten sick :) cello seemed very surprised and a touch horrified when i told her this, she thought i had an excellent immune system for food XD
but, of course, the salmon has to be really fresh and clean :)

it's been a warm day today but i've been inside...... i'm more a can't-be-stuffed-going-outside-person on the holidays except when it's time for work............ i'd really rather sit in the sun bored

for those of you who are adverse to all things weird in food, even if it's just raw salmon, don't be :D people wouldn't be eating it if there's no appeal.
even if you try it and find it disgusting, it's probably because you're not accustomed to it, the food is the kind that you have to get used to, you just don't like the taste or you're not keeping a very open mind XD
for example, i hate aeroplane food, especially since i get sick on the plane, but other people love it! of course, it's probably just me getting sick (my mum says it's definitely all in my head - me being sick on the plane that is because i nearly always get on a plane every year except one time i had a gap of a few years and after that i've always been sick :/) but there you go :D

i got the salmon, glasses

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