Thursday, December 16, 2010


'tis the season for giving, receiving and buying!!!!!!!
recently decided that i'm going to get a tivo :D hahahha XD so i don't always have to stay up late to watch the tv shows that i want to watch
they have been advertising this thing for ages and it's only now we're getting it XD my mum has been bugging me to find a recording devise to record the tv shows and watch them later and now we're finally getting it!!!!!

at the moment, i have this dijon mustard and it's SOOOOOOO STRONG!!!! my god/gosh, it brings tears to your eyes

i got the new books for next year!! still have to get my maths book though; i forgot to order it because i didn't know if i'm going to get into the accelerated maths class or not. i also got some black paint today *wink wink* i'm going to post a picture of something for you guys to see :)

i really want to make something for christmas but i really have no idea; i don't want to just make some puddings because that's way too ordinary, i need to cook somethign sweet but what should i do???? maybe i should make a bombe or somethign to do with custard or ice cream or maybe just cookies that have dips?

drying inside out, glasses

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