Sunday, January 23, 2011

300th POST! And also Spirited Heart Walkthrough 2

It's the 300th post! I feel like saying I've lived for 3 centuries!! :D :D :D Well, this blog has..sort blog years. (aka 1 post = 1 blog year)
Well, no more diddle daddle, let's move onton part 2 of the walkthrough.

Hello people! Star is back again with her usual babble of games.
But reading my last post, a sudden thought struck me. SINCE WHEN DID I EVEN PLAY REAL LIFE STIMULATION GAMES?! Oh well, they're fun anyway.
Okay, the target this time is Yuza. He looks odd but it's quite funny watching him get all embarassed.
Start off as an elf ( I believe her name is Trixie, no? ) and be raised as an artist as they have the most amount of creativity and concentratin required. After the announcement of living alone, work as a Tailor, boosting your creativity skills and using the money earned to boost your concentration skills. (Best to use up all your money to boost concentration skills at the beginning instead of losing them all to the tax). Okay, just like Ramas, you have to encounter Yuza 3 times in the tailor shop before you won't encounter hiim again. So use the rest of your time to boost your concentration skills to at least 40 and creativity skills to at least 60 before the age of 21. When you have achieved that, congrats!
You are now eligible to be a cook! So work as a cook (it pays quite well, especially with the bonuses) and you should encounter Yuza 2-3 more times. Don't forget to save whenever you are faced with an option of what to say with Yuza in case you get into his bad side...Okay, so then he appears in front of your house cooking you dinner for his birthday (That's so nice >< Food turns into love. I AGREE)
So alrighty.
Your relationship with Yuza should be 2/5 hearts right now. So anyhow, he should invite you to have dinner in his restaurant next (i'm suddenly jealous at all this food this girl is getting *eyes the food hungrily*) and then he asks you out with the phrase: "I hoped I could win you over with my lovely food" (YOU DID!! YOU WON ME OVER!!! Now hand over that food). Damn. and then the girl says: "I like you as a person. Not only a cook" (Ah well, so much for that. but she did say not ONLY as a cook :D )
So after that, if you accept, you move into his house behind the restaurant. (My goodness, BEHIND THE RESTAURANT?! That's dedication for you) :D :D Woo-hoo! So now to win over the rest of his heart. (You should now be currently engaged) Spend time with Yuza at least once a week, work to earn money, spend time with him again and take him to places to boost his love even quicker. Hint: His favourite place to go is the sea so you should definately take him there. (Sob, even if it is the most expensive)
Here's a pic of Trixie living with Yuza: (scuse the squishy effect)

When you have reached 5/5 hearts, you guys GET MARRIED!!!
Here's a pic of the proposal: (I'd love to include a pic of the ACTUAL marriage (She married at age 21! Whatta record!) but screenshotting won't work because pressing control means pressing okay for the game to continue. Anyhow, enjoy the proposal at the seaside. btw, NOTICE THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER?! I"M GOING BROKE! thank goodness he proposed)
(Dunno why this one's so big)

Okay! Once again, do not hesitate to ask any questions! :)
(they always include a nice ending summary and when I heard how Yuza helped the girl with the disease, it completely won me over *sob*)
Star xxx