Saturday, January 22, 2011

paper flowers, interfacing and mario dreams

i've been really bored during the holidays so i've been up to some pretty boring stuff

first of all, i've started designing things or drawing things. just to put emphasis on the strangeness of these activities, i haven't drawn since like 1/3 of a year ago. now you can just imagine the AMAZING SKILLS I HAVE :D (HEAVY SARCASM). and like any other normal girl, after playing with rubber bands shooting paper bullets, i suddenly thought of a design for earrings. then i spent the next hour thinking of designs and i thought up stuff for jewellery and clothes (not shoes because i seriously don't get them).
and then i started thinking i should make my own clothes, then i went into another thinking trance.
fht has seen my thinking trance, i'm totally out of it. then fht introduced me to INTERFACING, which you can iron on or sew on to clothes to make them stiffer (then i realised that's how people make caps!).

(message to fht: use it to make your bags :D)

then, the other day, my mum bought some really 'whole' (doesn't have any marks on the surface) cherries, which i have not seen in ages, so i drew it! yup, it looked really weird......

then another day i made a paper flower by using these really thin calendar paper (the kind where you have a new page for each day) and tearing them into squares and rectangles and impaling them with a toothpick. i folded some pieces to make them thicker and stuck them on each end to stop the flower from sliding. it's actually not too bad, here's a (dark) picture from my blurry webcam:

and then, this morning, i made a pavlova!! it just finished in the oven :) (fine then, more noon than morning and for my defence, i didn't make it right after breakfast........ wait, i didn't even eat breakfast =.=)

ahhh yes, the mario dream. well i had this dream where there were these people right outside my door doing construction on the stairs or something (i live in a flat) but then these people/monsters started invading my home. so with my super resistance to injuries, i jumped over the construction stairs and 'fell' through the stairs (yup, THROUGH) then i escaped the flat!!! i came onto some fields (i live in the city in the real world though...) and some people/kidnappers were chasing me through out the fields. at this point, i had an awesome jumping power where i could jump really high except i couldn't control it (considerign this is the first time i've super jumped) so sometimes i went towards the people chasing me instead of going away from them (by the way, there were two i think but i can only really think of one really big bone-crushing guy). it was all very comic like then i saw this fenced off pyramid with a fluorescent blue ball floating above it. for some reason i wanted to get the blue ball so i started to jump/run towards it except the big guy is getting nearer! another detail: the pyramid was made of those mario game blocks where if you hit it you get money but for some reason some had question marks on them O_O. so i started to try and get over the fence except i couldn't control my jumps! so i had to give up on the blue ball and started to jump towards the 'city'. there was this bridge at the 'city' that looks a lot like that san francisco bridge (i think it's called golden gate or somethign) except this one was all black and gray. i jumped onto the bridge but only onto the structure of the bridge, not the actual road and there was a train (on the bridge) coming. thsi point in time, the big guy was basically right behind me so i jumped onto the outside of the train (one of those big old trains that needed coal to feed it) and i grabbed onto the window. for some reason the big guy was right in front of me on the other side of the train (how he got there, i don't know). another detail: the train was very flat vertically.

then i sort of woke up............................................

and went back to sleep. who says you can't have a continued dream?

this time, i think i have been captured by the big guy and i'm in this big train refuelling station. i got told to 'make' a fuel by combining different colour liquids that was like paint and i ended up making a really weird bluish 'fuel'. my 'superiors' told me to fill up the train with it (even though i could tell it was the wrong colour) and so for some reason i started looking for a way to escape. the train was on this really tall structure that was one of those construction stands for buildings that has criss-crossing metal poles. there were these people in those painting suits hanging onto the poles of the structure. i think i did somethign to catch their attention because they looked at me and started jumping of the structure and jumping towards me. i did a mega jump and landed on the track on the top of the structure next to the train. i said soemthing to the driver of the train and he let me do whatever i wanted. another detail: the fuel tank is one of those mario stars, floating in the driver compartment near the roof. there were still soem passengers inside and i talked to them too.
then i can't remember what happened. maybe i escaped, maybe not

that was the most complicated, longest, weirdest, detailed dream i've ever remembered.

cherries and pavlova time, glasses

P.S: OMG, I FORGOT TO TELL EVERYONE!!!! i'm missing two weeks of school for a once-in-a-lifetime holidays :) it's a cruise in south america, and the destination is antarctica :) i'll be gone for like 3 weeks :) i'm going in less than a week!!!!!!! so excited XD

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