Sunday, January 16, 2011

Star's Blah Blah Blah Ramble #304892

Excuse my bad french. A-hem.

My absence from this blog made my heart ache thus I have returned to you faithful readers. (aka I couldn't connect to the internet T_T)
Anyhow, Ramble #1.
WE WENT TO SEE TANGLED (like, 3 days ago? No wait, I forgot.) AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! IT HAD SONGS!! AND I LIKE SONGS!! I like movies/films with songs incoporated like Glee and High School Musical, thus naturally attracting TANGLED onto my list of things to rewatch.
Ramble #2
My sister came back from China yesterday and much to my delight, brought home some very nice looking stationary so I'm happy. She picked up Sharnie (our pet Rottie) and Jakey (His name is Jake but we like to call him that. He's my sister's boyfriend's dog. And he's a wolfhound.). SHARNIE SHRANK!!! I swear, she got so much skinnier and after living at a dog hotel, I thought Sharnie was meant to fatten uP! Goodness gracoius.
Oh yeah! My sister brought some ink home cuz I asked her to and I tried using it with the fountain pen FHT gave me! :D :D :D It was really cool. 'Cept the fact that I never knew how permanent ink was and the new and golden sparkle of the fountain pen has now looked like it's been used since the ancient times. It would've helped if I remembered what FHT told me about how to put the ink in. My dad suggested something like sucking the ink in by unscrewing it and it worked! So I scribbled some stuff and...
let's just say I need some practice.
BUT IT"S REALLY COOL!!! Once I actually manage to use it properly, i'm gonna try use it to draw manga :) I'm pumped.
I've been playing this game called Spirited Heart. I'll put the walkthrough on soon since no where else on the internet provides it.
Ramble # 4
Glasses, that cake looks bloody good. BE PROUD!
Ramble # 5
We tried macaroons the other day and I thought they'd be all crumbly and biscuity but in fact, it's not! IT WAS SUPRISINGLY GOOD!! Thus, I was astonished but felt very accomplished to have eaten a macroon (from Brunettis, a store located in Carlton, City, Fitzroy).
Okay! Enough rambles from me!
Good night!
Star xxx

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