Monday, February 7, 2011

Lilly and Sasha: Curse of the Immortals

I'm playing a game called Lily and Sasha:Curse of the Immortals (the full version) and it's a RPG games !! I do love RPG games. Like Aveyond and Ahriman's prophecy and stuff...*looks dreamily off into the distance* Anyway. What I'm about to say will shame me from the proffesional world of games and I'm having a hard time coping b-but...I PLAYED THE EASY MODE.


But I convinced myself it was okay. For now. Anyway, let's shoot to advantages. Did you know the team equips stuff themselves? So Handy! And the whole layout is REALLY organised so people can understand it easily. The art's more realistic than mangarish but I won't complain. I like how they have many options and gives descriptions about each person. There's something about pets and dragon eggs too but I havn't figured out what they do yet seeing as I have just started the game :D

I like the fact that when we're in battle mode, you can see how much of the enemies health points are left. It's really handy. And I admire the fact they tell us how much exp we gained by using the bar system (showing us a bar graph thingo) rather than just using numbers. Suprisingly, this is one of the best RPG's I've played thanks to its thoughtful layout. Makes it a lot easier for the players to STRATEGISE. There are even instructions on the top! And they're not wordy, they're only about 1-3 words per instruction. Although it's really weird when they all spin at the end of a battle...

After the hoblingo thing event, you can start killing BEES. Very macho, no? But they give you money and experience so it's all worth it no matter how demeaning it may seem. (BUT THEY HAVE THE SAME HEALTH POINTS AS THE HOBLINGO BOSS!!! ==)

It's mighty handy that the stamina points reset for each battle :)
One disadvantage is that you can't save anytime like in Ahriman's prophecy. You can only save when there are the 'books' which act as checkpoints.

I also really like how you can make it windows mode and that when you save over something you have already saved, it doesn't ask you for confirmatioN!! Saves so much trouble. It's the little things that just get to you =w=

Pets help you fight in battle! I just figured it out! MIGHTY HANDY. I got a python! They increase the attack power. Can't believe it's named Peter though...maps are useful.

Star xxx

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