Sunday, March 27, 2011

Powerful procastinars

Oh no. OH NO NO NO NO NO. It's happened.


Every week before the weekend, I would look at my diary stuffed with fresh scribblings of homeworks tasks and projects and determinedly say to myself: "Star, this weekend, you will put aside all urges to play because you have a lot of work that needs to be done"

And then the weekend comes.

And then my urges to play suddenly become the top of my priority list. So this afternoon, I played KUDOS all day. It's a really fun game, you control and character with his or her lifestyle. You make friends, have a job and earn money to do stuff. IT"S FRIGGIN ADDICIVTE.

So after Chinese school today, I decided to play for 10 mins before I started work. And then another 10 min. And another. And another. All the way from 2:00, I played until just 3 minutes ago. it's currently 6.


So if I don't say so myself, I have become one of the most powerful procrastinators in the world.

*audience claps*

Thank you. Now I must go and face the after wrath of the week awaiting me. And the chains of homework still binded to my heart.

I'm so poetic. Star xx


  1. Sure thing.
    Figures you'd like it :D
    Star xx

  2. thanks :)
    I LOVE real like stimulation games likes sims and stuff
    youre a legend!
