Monday, April 4, 2011

hot cross buns

i just made hot cross buns this afternoon. but they look more like powdery tea buns because i forgot the cross and the glaze.....
well actually, i went cycling, and i told mum to put it in the oven at a particular time and i forgot to tell her to glaze and put a cross on them, and then i remembered half-way through my cycling trip and then it was too late because dad forgot to bring a mobile....
and they don't taste all that sweet because i used raw sugar instead of white sugar and everybody knows that raw sugar isn't as sweet as white sugar.
but they smell heavenly.

i actually wrote this post yesterday... but cello insisted i complete it, so i'm completing it now..

i had a hot cross bun/powdery tea bun for morning tea today :) it wasn't actually that bad. i thought it would be like, rock solid, but apparently not.
and i'm bringing some for cello tomorrow :D

in other news, glasses has refused to look at this blog. not sure why. she won't tell us.


1 comment:

  1. okay
    i ate one today
    they were okay :)
    not as bad as i thought they were
    the fruit was nice
