Thursday, April 14, 2011

really, the only thing i post about is entertainment ==

ok, here's somehting funny:
raising hope

yup, it's a tv show and all i can say is that it's hilarious :)

also, it's about this guy who has a one-night stand with a serial killer and then ends up raising their baby on his own because she was to be electrocuted for her crimes :) not as serious as it sounds but it's funny because their family is bonkers, especially the grandma
another funny thing: the late late show with craig ferguson. everytime he does something, the audience always laughs. i don't get why but then it makes me laugh too.

what else............................... well, since i'm bored but i really should be going to sleep, i'm going to post some of my cruise pictures:

of course, i chose all the nicer lookign pictures :) i'm not going to post my bad pictures but i will say this: the bad ones outnumber the good ones by about a ratio of 100:1 :)

what else to say........................................................... i suck at photography and i have a photography project where we're supposed to take pictures during the holidays. it's the school holidays, have about 3 weeks and i haven't taken any of the pictures i wanted to take because i can't be bothered going outside. my excuse is that the sky hasn't been very nice.

one of these days, i'm going to 'recycle' my failed truffles and then make chocolate cupcakes with chocolatey cream cheese filling with chocolate buttercream. very rich, very chocolatey and lethal for me because my family has a history of heart-related diseases :) ta da!!!

also, I HAVE GOTTEN 3 WORK EXPERIENCE PLACEMENTS (just gotta brag because i never accomplish anythign and even this will put me on the brink of bliss) one at a hospital, one at a pharmacy and one with an interior designer :) happy happy

wow, i'm being a lot wordier than usual but as usual, i've found soemthing to delay myself from going to bed.
i'm going to brush my teeth now, goodnight, glasses

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