Friday, May 20, 2011

Guinea Pig Talk

Hey duuuudes.
Cuz I'm just that epic, I shall post.
ALL OUR STUFF IS DONE! Our projects, tasks, assignments, tests are literally all completed. I'M SO RELIEVED. I have been looking forward to this moment all week - the Friday night when I can just sit back, chill and play Final Fantasy Tactics, The World Ends With You and Animal Crossing simultaneosly til my eyes bulge and fall out.

*PHEW* My guinea pigs are eating so much these days. I dunno how much they're actually meant to eat. I mean, I feed them once at night with a big bowl of food (well, there are TWO of them after all) but it's not like, SO BIG IT"S BAD. You know what I mean? Apparently they need Vitamin C so I give them carrots and leafy greens cuz apparently it helps.

I was looking at this site:

And it was like: NO NUTS
AIeeeee I fed mah guinea pigs almonds once!! NOOOOO I thought since rabbits could eat them, so could guinea pigs!! was only once and they seem okay which is good. I'll just remember not to do it again.

My guinea pigs are also constantly chewing on the cage bars and nibbling my finger when I pet them. We have a bar of food for their teeth so they can chew and eat at the same time. But I guess it's not enough.

So I was looking at this site:

And they said that you can give guinea pigs sticks or toilet paper tubes to chew on. I gave them a toilet paper tube once and they did chew it but I was concerned that if they ate it, it was bad. Turns out it's fine as long as it has no chemicals and stuff.

Okay. Just need to get my worries about guinea pigs out of the way. If you have any questions, ask fht - she's the more experienced one.

Star xx

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