Thursday, May 12, 2011


Hello everybody :)

I have a VCE outcome tomorrow... I've got a concert which I have to perform at, and then we get marked at the concert.

Unfortunately for me, I cut my finger today in Food for Entertaining; Me and Star were missing a set of measuring spoons and then I went up to the spare drawer to look for extra spoons, but some idiot had put a knife there, where that should have gone in the toolbox, so I cut my finger looking for measuring spoons.
So yeah.
I'm not sure how I'll go with playing piano tomorrow, but I practised a bit at school while waiting for my Mum to pick me up after orchestra, so it should be OK :)

We've been having Dreary weather. With a capital D. It sucks. It's been raining and raining and raining and it's freezing and we don't even live in London :( Thankfully, I've finished my fingerless gloves (if you want the pattern, it's from and it's called Fetching) so my hands will be warm for tomorrow.

You know that Food for Entertaining assignment that I raved on about some time ago? Well it's due on Monday. And I haven't started it. I'm not sure if I should go for a wedding, or baby shower, or maybe I should see what fake flowers I can get for the centrepiece and then decide the occasion...

Oh well.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!!

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