Friday, October 28, 2011


As Fht has kindly said, we are indeed alive. It's been almost two months since we last posted, oh dear. But in the real world, we have been getting on with the lovely world of maths and now are currently enjoying the almost start of THE LONG WEEKEND. And it's even longer since we have a mid term break on Tuesday, making it FOUR DAYS LONG! *GASP* Oh yeah. MY SISTER HAD HER BABYYY. Her name is Harper. She was born on the 9th of October at 8:15pm (Which is JUST GREAT timing since that was the time I went home after waiting in the hospital all day for the baby arrival) and is now approx 3 weeks old! SHE'S SO CUTE. I'll be seeing her tomorrow, casually neglecting my chinese homework which always gets left to Saturday. But yes. We are indeed alive. SO FOR THOSE WHO STILL READ THIS, NICE TO SEE/IMAGINE YOU AGAIN! Star xx

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