Monday, December 27, 2010

food additives and sherlock holmes

what do those two people/things have in common???? nothing, except for the fact that i've watched/read about them

i'm nearing towards the end of all sherlock holmes stories (in the penguin complete sherlock holmes book, and it has every sherlock holmes story from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in it.... i think) and i'm in a state of depression about it. what would i do when i can't read anymore unread original sherlock holmes stories in my long sessions of boredom??????? well, actually i read books on philosophy (because my dad's telling me to =.=) but sherlock holmes is so much more better!!!
actually, after a while the stories circumstances got a bit predictable but only a LITTLE LITTLE bit because how sherlock holmes comes to conclusions is still surprising
of course, for those out there who do not like reading, you can always watch the series 'sherlock' from the british channel BBC :D

food additives: it was a documentary on the tv channel SBS (a free-to-air international australian television channel) and a guy in it explains how flavours and colours in the food comes about. they did this thing where they added red colouring to white wine to make it look like red wine and got a bunch of wine tasters to taste it. of course, they didn't tell them that it was actually white wine to see if the tasters could taste the difference and none of them did!!! they all described it as a red wine, not a white one
they did a whole bunch of experiments like that (i didn't watch the last bit) and it was pretty extraordinary.
did you know that the natural purple colour that people use in food and stuff comes from bugs that live on cactuses!! they're called cochineal and the colour is from their blood so they dry the bugs, crush them, mix it with water, boils them, strains it and does that lab process a few more times then there is some solid stuff left (precipitate) that is used for colour
also, BIG MYTH BUSTED (well at least according to the documentary) MSG (THE 'DEADLY' STUFF)  means mono sodium glutamate right? or something close to that anyway. well, mono sodium is basically just salt however glutamate is suspected to be the stuff that seems to make people sick with the chinese restaurant disease or somthing or rather (i'm very vague). well, glutamate is actually a natural occuring substance in food like mushrooms. they did an experiment where they called in a couple of people who were sick after eating MSG and asked them to eat some chinese/asian food in a restaurant to see what was happening. HOWEVER, the food did NOT have MSG in it, only the natural occuring glutamate. after eating the food, the people were sick anyway, complaining of dizziness and headaches e.t.c.
to make sure the sickness wasn't just 'in their head', the guy called in another couple of people who had problems with MSG and got them to eat ITALIAN food with no MSG but has natural occuring glutamate in it and they got sick as well!!!
so basically, MSG IS HARMLESS (well, at least better than what some people thought)!!!!
you know, artificial flavours and colours are really chemicals, and to make different flavours (e.g they showed how lab people made strawberry flavour on the show) they mix together different chemicals!!!

now i'm a bit scared because i remember my teachers always saying "NEVER EVER TASTE, SNIFF OR TOUCH CHEMICALS IN THE LABORATORY!!" guess those people didn't listen to their teachers!!! HAHAHAH, SO FUNNY RIGHT??? yeah.......

well, i have a horrible case of sneezing, that should explain my strangeness

glasses says atishoo later!!!!! hahahha, that was supposed to be funny too :)

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