Friday, December 24, 2010

KLUTZ OF THE YEAR grand prize winner

Greetings everyone!
I, Star, have been granted KLUTZ of the century! Ow…
For some reason, I have been bumping into a lot of things and falling over and I don’t get why. I’m getting all these bruises and sometimes have to walk in funny positions to avoid pain. Which is probably the reason I’ve been given stares from strangers*, they probably thought I was using an artificial leg and that a fly just flew into my eye and that while trying to control both problems, I do a tumble turn and three backflips while eating something resembling mangoes. Uuh…and those big whopping bruises just have to happily settle down on the joints like the elbows and knees. So not only do I look like a clown already, I’m also an army guy, one who cannot move her joints or else she will scream of sheer excruciating pain.

Woo! That was tiring having to use such descriptive language (yeah yeah, I’m hearing the ‘pfffts’ and ‘tsk tsk’s, I know but for someone like me, that’s pretty impressive)

Oh! And it also does not help that I come home to 2 massive dogs who like to jump on people with loooove and affection so that it leads to further broken bones**.

So how have all your holidays been world? We’re gonna go see TANGLED*** for fht’s birthday! It’s a funny version of Rupunzel and I’m excited! :D :D :D

*And I’m talking about the ‘I’ve-never-seen-you-in-my-life’ strangers, not the ‘oh-hello-you-are-my-neighbour’ strangers, thank goodness.
**I’m exaggerating of course.
***Pretty appropriate name for a Rupunzel comedy, no?
Okay then! Adiue for now! Star xxx

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