Thursday, December 30, 2010

hey guys! i'm back :)
i got back to melbourne at lunchtime so i still haven't tidied up and stuff...
but i had lots of fun! i really love those screens on long-distance plane flights, because they have the coolest movies. like last night, i watched half of megamind (it got boring, seriously) and then i watched the owls of ga'hoole which is a really cute movie! then i slept. then i woke up and watched the human journey which is about the very first human and spreading to the corners of the globe and stuff.
come to think of it, the globe doesn't really have corners, doesn't it?
well anyway, i think i'm gonna start knitting a scarf for my mum's birthday, because it's next month and it's a complicated pattern. if anyone's interested, it's called lave ribbon scarf and it's on which is a good website for patterns!
my grandma used to knit, but her eyesight is really bad, so when i went to china, she gave me cool wool, so i'm gonna use some of that for my mum's scarf. i was thinking a grey/blue colour, because i'm hoping my mum will wear it to work.
i shall post more tomorrow when i'm not so busy!

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