Friday, January 28, 2011

Spirited Heart Wonderful Walkthrough 3

LET'S WIN OVER FREBO'S (What kinda name is that? ==) HEART! (I've actually never met this guy so this'll be my first time too)
His requirements?
Let's see. His basic job is schoolgirl which requires 10 Wisdom and his Advanced Job is wizard which needs 50 Dexterity and 50 Concentration.
Alrighty then. Start off as an elf, we'll call her..uh, Elf. (Yeah yeah, I know, very original)

She's got the best advantage with 20 Dex and 20 Con and 10 Wisdom already. Put her to be raised as a general. Then, use the rest of the starting money to boost concentration and dexterity. When you first meet Frebo, you find out he's the teacher....*silence*...BUT THE THINGS HE SAYS ARE REALLY FUNNY :D :D :D So obviously, we all forgive him.

You meet him three times while doing the basic job. Then, if your skills are not high enough, train yourself until you have 50 Dexterity and 50 Concentration and then work as a WIZARD. But it's really annoying isn't it? if you work as a guard to improve concentration, your dexterity drops. But if you work as a waitress to improve dexterity, your concentration drops!! work as a schoolgirl and continue earning money to improve your skills, your pay gets better so it's the best option. But sometimes, your dexterity and concentration still drop!!! RAAAH THIS IS SO ANNOYING! *throws table across room.* Okay. Plan b. Work as a dancer and earn good money. Use the money to boost the required abilities. Otherwise, work as a waitress and guard simeoltanuely. IT BETTER WORK! (This Frebo guy will need a bit more work than the others. DON"T GIVE UP FELLOW READERS!! NO PAIN, NO GAIN!


So in the end, I worked as a schoolgirl to earn enough money to train my other skills. It was tough but it had to be done. Elf was 22 years old when I finished.

You encounter him 3 times before he appears at your house and invites you to a magician conference. (YOU MUST ACCEPT! DON"T BREAK HIS HEART!) After that, you get a mysterious invitation to an Art party (guess who?). And then he asks you out. Which is really funny the way he does it cuz he starts comparing you to paintings :D :D Completely hilarious I say! So now you guys are engaged and do the usual thing of spending time with him at least once every 2 weeks and take him on vacataions to boost his heart quickly (Hint: His favourite place is the mountains and the seaside. Variety's the spice! Don't take him to the same place twice in a row!) *YOU GOTTA SPEND TIME WITH HIM!! IF YOU DON"T, HE WON"T LIKE YOU ANYMORE D': He's also harder to get. So patience wins the game!
AND THEN YOU GET MARRIED *wipes tear from eye*

Here's a pic people! (The actual marriage! Age 24)

E-mail for any queries :)
Star xxx


  1. My god...The hardest thing I have ever done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahahaha I hope you got there in the end! Good job :)

  2. o-o Is he supposed to have numerous affairs with women after you marry him? I mean I get that they love each other truly but really Frebo? With a name like that...

  3. Already encountered him four times, got him to one the octopus do I get him to show up?! (Sometimes I say to myself, "I am hunting Frebos for sport." xD)

  4. What's the point of an ending where once he marries you he just starts cheating all the time. I really wonder sometimes if the makers of these games aren't just super horny. This was one of the worst games i've played in this variety - anyone thinking about getting it I'd say don't waste your money.

  5. When I saw it I was freaking out that it was gonna be hard but it wasn't that bad. Good tips :)
