Sunday, May 29, 2011

Yo yo peoples!

Recently, I've gotten up to the bit in THE WORLD ENDS WITH YOU, the bit where Joshua merges into the big dragon thing. I DUNNO HOW TO BEAT HIM!! D: D: D: So if anyone knows, please comment T^T Because of that one set back, I am now doing work like a good girl...for better or for worse. I just finished my product analysis sheet for viscom (visual communications and designs). No offense, I love art...but the work load is getting to me...IT SAPS UP ALL MY TIME PLAYING GAMES D:
...gosh, now looking back on it, I really do spend a lot of time playing games O.O
Muaaahahaha and that is why my game expertise is so epic :3

Well, exams in a week folks! I have mine on Tuesday and Wednesday, meaning on Monday, Thursday and Friday, I can chill at home and hang with my pigs :)

SPeaking of which, the one I call Luffy is really nibbly lately :( I dunno if that's a good thing...he keeps nibbling my finger and every now and then bite really hard so I have all these bleeding holes in my fingers. Because of this, I now carry a stick substitute when I'm about to carry them in defense :)

Well then, that is all for now! :D

Adieu! Star xx

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