Saturday, March 17, 2012


HELLO EVERYONE! LONG TIME NO SEE! And by long time, I literally mean a year. I mean, what have we been doing all this time? We had a loooong break from this blog. But BOY, I wandered upon it the other day and had a huge wave of nostalgia rush over me and thus I have returned. And by I, I mean Star, one of the 4 epic creators of this blog. To be honest, I'm still trying to work around this blog. I mean, say, how would you know if someone commented? Would you get notifications or just snoop around til you find one? Aaah the many mysteries of the universe. SO. And update in our lives. My guinea pigs are alive and well, my sister's had her kid (I do recall once mentioning she was pregnant sometime last year) and life's good. Glasses is getting her braces off in three months if I remember correctly. Cello is into sherlock and Dr who as always. Fht is off making cards and clothing as pro as ever. Yup, the only thing that has changed is that we've all grown older ;)
Try this sometime. I just saw it and will try it tonight. Adios then amigos! Star xx

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