Sunday, March 18, 2012

Math time!

Just because well, I haven't posted in about two hundred trillion years (been too dedicated to tumblr) I thought I might just... post some stuff about math :)

anyway.... I should be studying for a math test but instead I am... listening to musicals
so this is how I'll study tonight I guess
Circular Functions:
If sin(z)=y

FHT, this is what you get to look forward to in spesh math haha

and now I'll just end in a quote from this lovely song from Rent
"they say I have the best arse ;) "

Cello x
stop staring at my arse now

Saturday, March 17, 2012


HELLO EVERYONE! LONG TIME NO SEE! And by long time, I literally mean a year. I mean, what have we been doing all this time? We had a loooong break from this blog. But BOY, I wandered upon it the other day and had a huge wave of nostalgia rush over me and thus I have returned. And by I, I mean Star, one of the 4 epic creators of this blog. To be honest, I'm still trying to work around this blog. I mean, say, how would you know if someone commented? Would you get notifications or just snoop around til you find one? Aaah the many mysteries of the universe. SO. And update in our lives. My guinea pigs are alive and well, my sister's had her kid (I do recall once mentioning she was pregnant sometime last year) and life's good. Glasses is getting her braces off in three months if I remember correctly. Cello is into sherlock and Dr who as always. Fht is off making cards and clothing as pro as ever. Yup, the only thing that has changed is that we've all grown older ;)
Try this sometime. I just saw it and will try it tonight. Adios then amigos! Star xx

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pokemon White

Bonjour friends! Just an update into my gaming world: I AM PLAYING POKEMON WHITE! OKay, so it was released some time ago BUT I'm playing it on desmume, the computer DS emulator therefore I feel I have a legible excuse :) IT'S REALLY FUN! I looked up the differences between pokemon white and pokemon black. Pokemon white has the white forest which has more pokemon. Pokemon black has the black city which has more items. I like pokemon, so I played pokemon white! :) My gaming world has been quite active during out blog break, playing all the AVEYOND games!!! :D :D :D WHOOOO AVEYOND HAS SUCH A COOL STORYLINE. 5 STARS FROM ME ;D
Star xx

Friday, October 28, 2011


As Fht has kindly said, we are indeed alive. It's been almost two months since we last posted, oh dear. But in the real world, we have been getting on with the lovely world of maths and now are currently enjoying the almost start of THE LONG WEEKEND. And it's even longer since we have a mid term break on Tuesday, making it FOUR DAYS LONG! *GASP* Oh yeah. MY SISTER HAD HER BABYYY. Her name is Harper. She was born on the 9th of October at 8:15pm (Which is JUST GREAT timing since that was the time I went home after waiting in the hospital all day for the baby arrival) and is now approx 3 weeks old! SHE'S SO CUTE. I'll be seeing her tomorrow, casually neglecting my chinese homework which always gets left to Saturday. But yes. We are indeed alive. SO FOR THOSE WHO STILL READ THIS, NICE TO SEE/IMAGINE YOU AGAIN! Star xx
Hi everyone! Firstly, LOOK! New banner! I just completed it today :) As you have probably noticed (if anyone is reading this anyway), no body has posted recently and we've all kinda neglected this blog and it's been sitting in the corner of our bookmark bars gathering virtual dust. But anyway! Just letting you all know we're still alive! Have a great day, FHT

Monday, August 8, 2011

Steven Spielberg

For business class, we had to choose an entrepreneur to research.
Check this out:

Steven Spielberg is so epic ;)
Star xx

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Did you know?

1. If a native Hawaiian woman places the flower on her right ear, she is available. (The bigger the flower, the more desperate!)

2. Women mature much faster than men.

3. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.

4. Children's sense of smell is better than adults'.

5. The average American spends a third of their overall time online playing games and using social networks.

6. Babies crawl an average of 200m a day.

7. On average a woman has 4 sexual partners in her lifetime.

8. According to some estimates, Americans are sitting on $30 billion worth of unredeemed gift cards.

9. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell

10. One million Americans, about 3,000 each day, take up smoking each year. Most of them are children.

11. Women have a slightly higher average IQ than men.

12. Babies cry but they don't produce tears until one to three months after birth.

Star xx

Friday, July 29, 2011

"Firestarter" by Stephen King


Well, I finished reading a book called "Firestarter" by Stephen King. I've got to admit, it's REALLY good. It's one of his few books that I actually understand.


It's about this little girl and her dad who are both running away from certain people working for the government. The little girl (named Charlie) and her dad (named Andy) both have special powers. A long time ago, Andy and a woman (who later became his wife, named Vicky) were part of an experiment that a special group in the government conducted (they were know as 'the shop').

There were fourteen people who were being experimented on with a special...drug? Liquid? It was some sort of thing. Anyway, it was quite disastrous. 4 people survived, the others either died or went insane and then died. Out of the four people, one was discovered with the power to shut doors and bend keys with his mind. Because of this, the shop kept this person prisoner and he became their guinea pig. They conducted experiments on him until he went insane.

Vicky and Andy both survived, each with the ability for mild psychic ability. Vicky could make things move or shut the door at random times without realising it and Andy could 'push' someone to do something. The shop never realised their powers but kept a close eye on them just in case. After they got married, they had a daughter which was Charlie. Thing is, after the experiment, their genes were...altered. And this allowed Charlie to inherit a new type of psychic power known as pyro kinesis: the power to light things on fire with her mind. She can makes things move too but it sometimes causes fire.

Anyway, fast forward a little. The government finds out, kill Vicky and try to catch Andy and Charlie who are now on the run from them. Andy 'pushes' people to take them to places far away, but he has massive head-splitting headaches when he does this so he tries not to use it too much. Charlie uses her ability to move things to get money (like change from phone boxes) but then it accidentally catches fire on someone's shoes.
And that is how the book starts - with them running away. The past is slowly being revealed and then a lot more things happen...which I will restrain from saying. I shall let all of you people read it! :)

Star xx

Thursday, July 28, 2011

update from fht. finally.

First and foremost, I would like to draw everyone's attention to the Quote/Joke/Conundrum just on the right because I've gotten around to updating it.

I have also gotten around to writing a post for this blog.

Nothing much has been happening, except today, we had Maths Games Day and came equal 22nd with the other team from our school. OH THE SHAME. I don't think I can face my maths class now :(



This was a really short post. Maybe I'll write more next time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Manga Traders + Jane Eyre

I looooooove manga traders
It's an epic site.

I download many mangas from it, and it even lets you know if you've downloaded it before! It's absolutely free as long as you sign up. Which takes 5 minutes - tops.

Anyhoo, we're currently discussing Jane Eyre. IT"S SO ROMANTIC >//<

Star xx